LESCO Bill Calculator 2024

The LESCO Bill calculator is an online tool for consumers of the Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO) to estimate their monthly electricity bills.

You can use an online Lesco bill calculator that is particularly useful for LESCO customers who want to manage their electricity billing check and budget effectively.

So, you can calculate your LESCO bill here.

How to Calculate the LESCO Bill?

The process of using the LESCO Bill Calculator online is simple.

  • Step 1: Users need to visit the www.lesco.gov.pk.
  • Step 2: Once there, they enter relevant information such as the number of units consumed (which can be found on their electricity meter or previous bills), tariff details, and any additional charges that may apply.
  • Step 3: The calculator then uses this data to provide an estimated amount for the upcoming bill, based on LESCO’s current rates and tariffs.

Calculate LESCO Bill Online

Calculating your LESCO electricity bill can be an intricate process that involves understanding various technical terms and data inputs.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to calculate your Lahore Wapda bill:

  1. Visit the official LESCO website. This site typically has a section dedicated to online services, including bill calculation.
  2. Look for a link or section labeled as ‘Bill Calculator’, ‘Tariff Calculator’, or something similar.
  3. Once you open the bill calculator, you will be required to enter certain information such as:
  4. Specify whether your connection is residential, commercial, industrial, etc.
  5. If there are any applicable rebates or surcharges for your connection type or usage, input these as well.
  6. After entering all the required information, click on the ‘Calculate’ button. The tool will process the information and provide you with an estimated amount for your electricity bill.
  7. The calculated bill will include a breakdown of charges such as energy charges, fixed charges, fuel adjustment charges, taxes, and any other applicable fees.
  8. If you already have your actual LESCO bill, you can compare the calculated amount with the billed amount to check for discrepancies.

LESCO Connection Type

Identify your connection type, which can be found on your LESCO bill. The types of LESCCO bill connections include:

A1(01), A1(03) for Domestic A2(04), A2c(06)T for Commercial B1(07), B1(08), B1b(09)T, B2a(10), B2a(11), B2b(12)T for Industrial A3(66) for General Services
  • Phase Type – Select whether your LESCO connection is Single-phase or Three Phase.
  • Units Consumed – Enter the number of units consumed. Units can be in Kilowatt Hour (KWH), Kilovolt Amperes Reactive Hours (KVARH), or Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI). Identify and enter the units for both Off-Peak and Peak hours.
  • Meter Rent – If applicable, enter the meter rent for your tariff.
  • Service Rent – Similarly, enter the service rent if it applies to your plan.
  • Areas – Input the areas as required in the form.
  • Number of TV Sets – Enter the number of TV sets in use on your connection.
  • Additional Options – Check or uncheck options like STRN Available, Sales Tax for Retailers Exempt, ED Exempt, GST Exempt, IT Exempt, ETax Exempt, and Additional Sales Tax to Marble and Granite Industry, as applicable.
  • Final Calculation – After entering all the necessary information, press the calculate button to get an estimate of your LESCO bill.

The LESCO Electricity Tariff for Residential (Home) users with a sanctioned load of less than 5 kW:

  • Up to 50 Units: Rs 6.80 per unit.
  • 51 to 100 Units: Rs 10.74 per unit.
  • 101 to 200 Units: Rs 13.06 per unit.
  • 201 to 300 Units: Rs 24.99 per unit.
  • 301 to 400 Units: Rs 28.38 per unit.
  • 401 to 500 Units: Rs 30.59 per unit.
  • 501 to 600 Units: Rs 32.01 per unit.
  • 601 to 700 Units: Rs 33.15 per unit.
  • Above 700 Units: Rs 38.07 per unit.

You can use the online Lahore bill calculator for estimation.

The Residential Electricity Tariff for peak load requirements less than 5 kW and exceeding 5 kW, along with Time of Use (TOU) and Temporary Supply rates:

Unit RangeMM. Re.Rs.IkWI M Re.! kWhUnit Price (Rs)
Up to 50 Units382622626.80
51-100 Units4447747710.74
01-100 Units146715,75815,75810.74
101-200 Units3494,5574,55713.06
01-100 Units4918,0158,01516.33
101-200 Units125827,42527,42521.80
201-300 Units180545,11145,11124.99
301-400 Units92426,22626,22628.38
401-500 Units51615,78815,78830.59
501-600 Units3099,8949,89432.01
601-700 Units1886,2396,23933.15
Above 700 Units41315,73615,73638.07
Peak Load > 5 kW0
TOU – Peak2087,7317,73137.24
TOU – Off-Peak91928,40428,40430.92
Temporary Supply151537.38
Total Residential8,931211,638211,638

A2 – Commercial Users

  • Peak Load < 5 KW: Rs 33.04/unit.
  • Peak Load > 5 KW: Regular – Rs 34.71/unit, Peak Hours – Rs 36.64/unit, Off-Peak – Rs 30.67/unit.
  • Temporary Supply: Rs 33.39/unit.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging: Rs 27.79/unit.
  • Minimum Monthly Charge (Single Phase): Rs 175.

A3 – General Services

  • Unit Rate: Rs 32.68.
  • Minimum Monthly Charge: Single Phase – Rs 175, Three Phase – Rs 350.

B – Industrial Supply

  • B1: Regular – Rs 29.42/unit, Peak – Rs 32.98/unit, Off-Peak – Rs 27.42/unit.
  • B2: Regular – Rs 28.92/unit, Peak – Rs 32.92/unit, Off-Peak – Rs 27.12/unit.
  • B3 & B4: Peak – Rs 32.92/unit, Off-Peak – Rs 27.12/27.02/unit.
  • Temporary Supply: Rs 30.50/unit.
  • Minimum Monthly Charge: Rs 350.
  • Residential Colonies in Industrial Areas: Rs 32.74/unit.

C – Single Point Supply

  • C1(a) < 5 kW at 400 volts: Rs 33.72/unit.
  • C1(b) > 5 kW at 400 volts: Rs 33.22/unit.
  • C2 at 11 kV: Regular – Rs 33.02/unit, Peak – Rs 36.64/unit, Off-Peak – Rs 30.04/unit.
  • C3 above 11 kV: Regular – Rs 32.92/unit, Peak – Rs 36.64/unit, Off-Peak – Rs 29.74/unit.

D – Agricultural Tube-Wells

  • Scarp: Regular – Rs 29.72/unit, Peak – Rs 32.64/unit, Off-Peak – Rs 25.39/unit.
  • Tube-Wells: Rs 19.39/unit.

E – Temporary Supply

  • Residential: Rs 37.98/unit.
  • Commercial: Rs 33.39/unit.
  • Industrial: Rs 30.50/unit.

G – Public Lighting

  • Public Lighting: Rs 32.75/unit.
  • Residential Colonies: Rs 32.74/unit.
  • Railway Traction: Rs 32.76/unit.

Also, here is an estimated LESCO electric Tariff new connection bill rate for 2024. 

A1 General Supply Tariff-Residential
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
a)For sanctioned load less than 5 kw     
iUp to 50 Units (life line) 4 3.95
iii51-100 Units- (life line)  14.59 7.74
iiiFor first 100 Units 14.59 7.74
iva.101-200 Units  16.41 10.06
v001-100 Units  14.59 9.42
vi100-200Units  16.41 11.74
vii201-300 Units 17.53 13.83
viii301-400 Units 19.07 21.23
ix401-500 Units  19.07 21.23
x501-600 Units  19.07 21.23
xi601-700 Units  19.07 21.23
xiiAbove 700 Units 20.61 24.33
b)For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above     
 Time of Use20.2713.124.3318.01
As per Authority’s decision residential consomer will be given the benefits of only one previous slab
Under Tariff A-1, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) Single Phase connections: Rs. 75/- per consumer per month
b) Three phase connection: Rs.150/- per consumer per month
A2 General Supply Tariff-Commercial
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
a)For Sanctioned load less than 5 kW440 19.56 21.34
b)For Sanctioned load 5 kW & above 19.22 23.04
c)Time of Use44021.0213.4924.9418.97
Under Tariff A-2, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed.
a) single phase connections: Rs. 175/- per consumer per month
b) Three phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
A3 General Services
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
a)General Services  17.05 20.9
Under Tariff A-3, there shall be minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed. 
Under Tariff A-3, there shall be a minimum monthly customer charge at the following rates even if no energy is consumed. 
b) Three phase connections: Rs. 350/- per consumer per month
B Industrial Supply Tariff
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
B1 (aUp to 25 kw (at 400/230 volts) 18.3118.62
B2(a)exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts)440 17.8718.12
 Time of Use PeakOff-PeakPeakOff-Peak
B1 (b)Up to 25 kw21.1913.4122.1816.62
B2 (b)exceeding 25-500 Kw (at 400 Volts)44020.9813.522.1216.41
B3For All Loads up to 5000 KW(at 11,33 KV)42021.1112.6322.1216.32
B4For All Loads (at 66,132 KV & above)40020.9312.9722.1216.22
For B1 consumers there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 350 per month. 
For B2 consumers there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 2,000 per month.  
For B3 consumers there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 50,000 per month. 
For B4 consumers there shall be fixed minimum charge of Rs. 500,000 per month. 
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
C-1For supply at 400/230 Volts     
a)Sanctioned load less than 5 kW 24.36 22.02
b)Sanctioned load 5 kW & up to 500 kW440 21.31 21.52
C-2(a)For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW420 17.03 21.32
C-3(a)For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW400 15.11 21.22
 Time Of Use PeakOff-PeakPeakOff-Peak
C-1(c)For supply at 400/230 Volts 5 kW & up to 500 kW44022.431524.9418.34
C-2(b)For supply at 11,33 kV up to and including 5000 kW42020.412.8924.9418.14
C-3(b)For supply at 66 kV & above and sanctioned load above 5000 kW40019.5111.6824.9418.04
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
D-1(a)SCARP less than 5 KW 22.92 19.02
D-2(a)Agricultural Tube Well200 17.63 8.69
D-1(b)SCARP 5 KW & above20023.7614.2521.9414.69
D-2(b)Agricultural 5 KW & above20021.4413.048.698.69
Under this tariff, there shall be minimum monthly charges Rs. 2000/- per consumer per month, even if no energy is consumed.
Note: The consumers having sanctioned load less than 5 kW can opt for TOU metering.
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
E-1(i)Residential Supply 21.73 24.47
E-1(ii)Commercial Supply 19.23 21.73
E-2Industrial Supply 18.38 19.7
Note : For the categories of E-1(i&ii) above, the minimum bill of the consumers shall be Rs. 50/- per day subject to a minimum of Rs. 500/- for the entire period of supply, even if no energy is consumed. 
F – Seasonal Industrial Supply TARIFF
125% of relevant Industrial Tariff
Note: Tariff F consumers will have the option to convert to regular tariff and vice versa. This option can be exercised at the time of a new connection or at the beginning of the season. Once 
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
 Street  Lighting 19.02 22.02
Under Tariff-G, there shall be a minimum monthly charge of Rs. 500/- per month per kW of lamp capacity installed.
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
 Residential Colonies attached to industrial premises 21.02 22.02
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
 Railway Traction 19.17 22.02
Sr. No.Tariff Category/ParticularsFixed Charges Rs/KW/MUniform Tariff Variable Charges (Rs/KWh)Applicable Variable Charges
1Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK)400 14.23 19.24
 Time of Use400PeakOff-PeakPeakOff-Peak
2Rawat Lab17.0722.02


The cost of 1 unit of electricity for domestic users in Pakistan starts at Rs 9.42 per unit for the first 100 units. After the initial 100 units, the price increases to Rs 11.74 per unit, as per NEPRA’s variable charges. The rates continue to adjust based on consumption slabs.

To estimate your LESCO monthly electricity bill, you can use the following simple calculation formula:

Monthly Electricity Bill = Watt Hours x Price per Kilowatt Hour (kWh)

Yes, you can estimate your monthly LESCO bill using the LESCO Bill Calculator. By inputting your estimated unit consumption, you can calculate the approximate cost based on current tariffs.